divendres, 17 de desembre del 2010


Tricia is from Ireland, she's so nice, she helps us to speak in english.

The ancient family collect the olives in Italy.


That's the real way to make oil.

Assistent language

Speak in english is the mean important thing for this class.


dilluns, 20 de setembre del 2010

divendres, 10 de setembre del 2010

divendres, 3 de setembre del 2010

dimarts, 8 de juny del 2010



La nostra assessora lingüística és australiana. Ens ha acompanyat tot l'any. Hem aprés molt d'Austràlia.
Bon Viatje!

divendres, 5 de febrer del 2010

Who is she?
Do you know her name?
What about her live?

Tudor London

In Tudor times the City was the centre of trade and commerce as well as the overcrowded home of thousands. Westminster housed both the king and parliament while Southwark was devoted to louche pleasures such as bear-baiting, prostitution and the theatre. These three distinct areas were surrounded by countryside.
Find out a bit more about the London where both Elizabeth and Shakespeare lived.