divendres, 10 de novembre del 2017


És important adonar-se que, a mesura que fem canvis en la nostra app, aquests canvis es reflecteixen immediatament al nostre dispositiu mòbil, sempre que mantinguem l'AI Companion en funcionament i no trenquem la connexió amb l'App Inventor.

dilluns, 9 d’octubre del 2017

dijous, 8 de juny del 2017

dilluns, 29 de maig del 2017


divendres, 12 de maig del 2017


dimarts, 9 de maig del 2017

Media Lab del MIT,el laboratorio donde nacen los robots del futuro | Documentos | EL PAÍS Semanal http://elpaissemanal.elpais.com/documentos/robots-mit/?id_externo_rsoc=TW_CC … via @elpaissemanal

dilluns, 8 de maig del 2017

dimarts, 18 d’abril del 2017

Vet aquí Sabadell. Una colla d'autors sabadellencs, reciten contes de la Colla de Sabadell al Casal Pere Quart.

How to make your own game controller

Make a game in 5 minutes

dijous, 30 de març del 2017

Els alumnes de primer de batxillerat redactors de la Revista on line, han guanyat el primer premi de votació popular del Concurs a nivell de Catalunya.

dimarts, 21 de març del 2017

Symbaloo: Creating Your Personal Learning Environment (PLE) We started the 3rt evaluation with a small practice of 2 hours in which you have to create your virtual desktop with the tool Symbaloo. Symbaloo is a web application that allows, among other functions, to create virtual desktops. We can collect and organize our favorite web pages in a single site, accessible from any computer. Organized in the form of blocks, we can create as many pages as we want, called "webmix", include links, videos, feeds, news, etc ... It is possible to customize both webmix background and buttons, adding images and titles. We can also share the webmix, make it public in the Symbaloo gallery, access the link and even insert it in our web or blog. Click the image to access the log in Symbaloo: Http://www.symbalooedu.es/ Here are some examples of public Symbaloos to give you an idea: Symbaloo of Mathematics Symbaloo TIC You must create your own virtual desktop that contains six areas: - School area: Where will appear at least four icons that access pages related to the school. - Social networks area: At least four icons of social networks that you use will appear. - Personal area: At least six icons of pages to which you access usually, whether of clothes, press, etc. - Technological area: At least four icons of pages related to technology and computer science will appear. - Area to choose: Create an area with the theme you want and at least have four icons. An example of how your virtual desktop should appear: Virtual desktop example

Informática 4º ESO Sagrado Corazón: Historia de internet

Informática 4º ESO Sagrado Corazón: Historia de internet: Para conocer la historia de internet tenemos que remontarnos al desarrollo de las redes de comunicación ya que podríamos definir internet c...

dimecres, 15 de març del 2017

divendres, 17 de febrer del 2017