dimecres, 19 de desembre del 2012

Language Assisant

My name is Jenny and I am currently living in Sabadell!  I studied at Edinburgh and spent one year in Salamanca!  I have also lived near Paris in France, I love to travel and learn new languages.  I am really enjoying teaching English in St Nicolau and living in such an amazing city.
I am originally from York in England which is a beautiful historical town with a huge cathedral and a wall around the city.  I live right on the river and you can travel by boat into the centre!  The city is famous for chocolate production, horse racing and its railway which is halfway between Edinburgh and London!  This is a picture of the city at Christmas

dimarts, 13 de novembre del 2012

This is the group of 4t ESO 2012/13.
Marc Canyadell, Marc Carulla, Guillem Collado, Arnau Doñate, Jordi Flórez, Óscar, Sergi Martinez, Carles Molina, Roger Montserrat, Arnau Pons, Xavi Prats, Xavi Ramoneda, Albert Salinas, Francesc Torres, Sergi Torruella, Sergi Valverde, Carles Vidal.

divendres, 9 de novembre del 2012

We are ready to start a new project.

dimarts, 9 d’octubre del 2012


divendres, 28 de setembre del 2012


Fish: Add a touch of nature to your page with these hungry little fish.  Watch them as they follow your mouse hoping you will feed them by clicking the surface of the water.

divendres, 21 de setembre del 2012

Hello! this course have got a new students in four level of ESO. their names are: Cristina, Berta, Maria, Sara and Albert. They are great!!!! It is a fantastic group they call themshelves "LOL" that means "strong smilers"

dimecres, 2 de maig del 2012

A-RA!: Video. La realitat augmentada a l'aula de plàstica...

A-RA!: Video. La realitat augmentada a l'aula de plàstica...: Video. La realitat augmentada a l'aula de plàstica. Alumnes de 4rt d'ESO Institut Vilatzara.

dimecres, 25 d’abril del 2012

dilluns, 16 de gener del 2012